Curriculum Vitae
Dr Russell Cooper

Graduated MBBCh University of Witwatersrand Johannesburg South Africa-1981.
Medical Internship Johannesburg Hospital-1982.
Medical Officer Department Urology Johannesburg Hospital-1983.
Medical Officer Department Anaesthesia Johannesburg Hospital-1983.
Medical Officer Casualty (DEM) Willem Crywagen Hospital Germiston South Africa-1984.
Medical Officer positions in the UK: Cardiology at Hillingdon Hosp Uxbridge, Anaesthesia at Charing Cross Hospital; Paediatrics at Great Westminster Hospital; Oncology-Royal Marsden Hospital South London 1984-1985.
American Medical Entrance exam part 1 passed-1985.
Medical Officer, Yamauchi Hospital Oita Japan 1986-research on whole body cryotherapy for arthritis.
Presentations of Dr Yamauchi’s research at International conferences of Rheumatology Tokyo, Manila, Hong Kong 1986.
Registrar Casualty (DEM) Launceston General Hospital-1987.
Complementary Medical practice Hobart 1988 to present.
Fellowship in Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (FACNEM)-Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine-1990.
Fellowship in Medical Acupuncture (FAMAC)- Australian Medical Acupuncture College-1996.
Fellowship in Herbal Medicine (FACoHM) –Australian College of Herbal Medicine-1998.
Board Certified Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine (ABAARM) American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine-2001.
Diploma European Society of Anti-Ageing Medicine (dipESAAM)-European Society of Anti-Ageing Medicine-2006.
Diploma European Institute of Personal Prevention (dipIEPP)-European Institute of Personalised Prevenetion-2008.
Certification in Primary Care Skin Cancer Medicine 2009.
Master of Science Preventive Medicine (MSc Prev Med)-Dresden International University MSc program-2013.
Currently completing Fellowship in Integrative Cancer Therapy-American Academy Anti-Aging Medicine
Lectured and presented papers on Human Growth Hormone and Anti- Ageing Medicine at the Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine Special Training Program (STP) in 1999, 2001, 2003, 2004, & 2005 in Australia and New Zealand.
In 2002 was the guest lecturer on Growth Hormone at Faculty of Family Practice, School of Medicine, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
In 2003, 2004 and 2005 I gave lectures and presented papers on Growth Hormone at the Australian College of Cosmetic Surgeons and Physicians annual Conferences on the Gold Coast.
Was a guest lecturer at the University of Hong Kong Medical School Annual Conference ‘Advances in Medicine 2004’ where I lectured and presented a paper on Human Growth Hormone Deficiency in adults and the value of replacement therapy.
I appeared as a panel guest medical practitioner on ABC (Australian Broadcasting Cooperation) ‘Second Opinion’ television program 2005. I appeared and participated in two episodes: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Allergies sessions. https://www.abccommercial.com/program/second-opinion-chronic-fatigue-syndrome (8)
Conducted Human Growth Hormone seminars to medical practitioners on the endocrinology of Growth Hormone in Australasia from 2001 to 2010 including Hong Kong, Singapore and the Philippines.
In July 2006, I presented a lecture on Genetic Diagnostics at the International Hormone Conference on the Gold Coast in Australia.
In September 2006, I presented lecture to the College of Family Physicians in
Johannesburg South Africa, where I discussed my paper on Genetic Diagnostics.
In December 2006, was the principal lecturer at an Analytical Reference Laboratory (ARL) International Genetics Conference in Melbourne.
In January 2007, I presented two papers on Oestrogens and Genetic Polymorphisms at the South African Academy of Aesthetic and Anti-Ageing Medicine (SA5M) Conference in Cape Town.
In April 2007, I lectured and presented a paper on Genetic Polymorphisms in Neuropsychiatry at The International Mental Health Summit on the Gold Coast, Australia.
In December 2007, I lectured at the European Society of Anti-Ageing Medicine (ESAAM) 13th Congress of Gynaecology, Andrology and Anti-Aging in Zurich, Austria. I presented a paper on the Genetics of Breast Cancer and was also co-chair of the lecture session on Genetics.
In September 2008, I presented three papers on Genetic Polymorphisms, Nutrigenomics and Hormone Metabolites at the Pan-American Congress on Anti-Ageing Medicine in Montreal, Canada.
In March 2009, I completed training with the European Institute of Personalised Prevention in France achieving diploma certification in Genomics.
In December 2009, I achieved certification in Chelation Therapy (CCT) after completing training and passing the international examination for certification in Chelation Therapy through the American College for the Advancement of Medicine (ACAM) in the USA.
In March 2010, I lectured and presented papers at the Genetics and Epigenetics conference of the Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine Special Training Program (ACNEM STP) in Melbourne.
In August 2010, I lectured at an ACNEM STP Cancer Conference in Queenstown, New Zealand where I presented a paper on the Molecular Genetics of Breast Cancer.
In 2010, I lectured and presented a paper at an RACGP (The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners) in Hobart on Complementary Medicine.
In October 2011, I lectured at the Healthscope Functional Medicine Conference 2011: Hormones, Liver Detoxification and Nutrigenomics in Melbourne where I presented two lectures: ‘Genes, Hormones and Dharma’ and ‘Steroid SNPs, Cancer and Envirogenomics’.
I was the medical consultant of Genecare pharmaceuticals and lectured to medical practitioners at Genecare conferences in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Paerth October & November 2011 on genetic polymorphisms and gene testing.
I was an international Medical Advisor for genetic polymorphisms for Genosense Diagnostics in Vienna Austria, from 2006-2012 and have lectured and presented to doctors training in Genetic Diagnostics in Europe in 2007 and 2008.
I was the medical consultant of SciGen pharmaceuticals in Australia from 2005-2010.
In May 2012, I lectured at the ‘Nutrition in Medicine’ Conference in Melbourne at the Nutrigenomics and Epigenomics pre-conference workshop where I presented a paper on ‘Living and Eating for our Genes’.
I presented a paper at the General Practitioner (GP) weekly workshop on Nutrigenomics: Bryanston Country Club, Johannesburg, South Africa 2012.
I lectured at the annual AIMA (Australian Integrative Medicine Association)
Conference on the Gold Coast, Australia, in October 2013, and presented two lectures: Lecture 1: “Diagnostics: Genomics, Proteomics, Metabolomics, SNPs & CTCs -Early Detection of Cancer.
Lecture 2: Intravenous Vitamin C in the Treatment of Cancer: Towards Tumour Specific, Person Specific Management”.
In April 2015, at the Philippines Paediatric Congress I presented a lecture on Nutrigenomic Opportunities through Genetic Screening- Preventive Personalised Medicine.
I lectured on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) April 2019 Sandton Johannesburg.
PCOS support lecture Nov 2020 via Zoom.
I commenced Integrative Medicine practice in Hobart city in 1988. I moved the practice to Fern Tree Tasmania, where I have consulted since 1995.
EMF (Electromagnetic Fields):
I have been consulting with patients suffering harmful symptoms of exposure to EMF emitting devices since 1993. Over the last ten years and especially the last two years, an ever-increasing number of people have consulted me who have symptoms of ill health in relation to exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR).
I have attended numerous conferences on EMF and has consulted and had discussions with leading EMF authorities including Prof Beatrice Golomb USA, Prof Dominique Belpomme France, Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe UK, Dr Devra Davis USA, Associate Prof Olle Johansson Sweden, Dr Juliet Williams Scotland.
I have introduced biological markers for Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) testing into Australia as per the research of Professor Domonique Belpomme through an Integrative Pathology laboratory in Melbourne Australia ‘NutriPath’.
2018-2021: I gave community presentations and lectured on Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity in the Byron Shire, Perth, Brisbane, Randwick Shire, Cronulla Shire, Sutherland Shire, Mundaring Shire, Glenhaven Shire, SEEN (Safe EMF Education Network) Adelaide and numerous tele-conferences internationally and Australia-wide.
I was an expert witness in the case of McDonald and Comcare 2013. this case is in the public domain (1). Dr McDonald was my first EMF related patient in 1993. The Judge ordered in favour of Dr McDonald. This was a world-wide landmark judgement for a person affected by electromagnetic fields (EMF) in the workplace.
I provided a medico-legal report on my diagnosis of a patient Mr Evans as an expert witness in Evans v NBNCo.Ltd [2021 QDC 227] in Queensland.
I am currently also representing other patients with medico-legal reports who have suffered Electromagnetic Hyperesensitivity as a result of non-consensual public exposure to radiofrequency emitting devices.
2020: I lectured and presented an EMF Certification Training lecture course of 4 x 4 hour modules to medical practitioners in South Africa in conjunction with SASIM (South African Society of Integrative Medicine). I lectured on the history and development of EMF exposure, the likely pathological mechanisms, the research on oxidative stress, genotoxic effects, neurological effects, altered neurochemistry, hormones, immunological markers and bio-markers found in Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity patients from exposure within the guidelines. The course was awarded CPD points by South African medical authorities managing GP CPD.
2021: I have been the Chair of TASEMRM (The Australian Society of Electromagnetic Radiation Medicine), comprised of Medical Doctors, Scientists and Legal Practitioners.
TASEMRM provides training in electromagnetic radiation medicine to medical practitioners in Australia and world-wide.
Media presentations Channel 7 ‘The Project’ interview concerning plight of one of my patients who has severe EHS symptoms 2017.
I have attended multiple lectures on EMF related toxicity at yearly US congresses of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. I have attended international EMF conferences in person and on-line and have participated in question sessions. I have studied the literature on the health effects of RF-EMR within the Australian Safety standard guidelines and international safety guidelines and I am well versed in reference ranges and nomenclature from a clinical medical perspective. I have written multiple medical reports for patients suffering the effects of exposure the radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation.
I confer regularly with medical and scientific colleagues in Australia and internationally. I communicate with my professional international colleagues in science, medicine and law inclusive of Professor Dominque Belpomme, (France) Prof Olle Johansson (Sweden), Prof Beatrice Golomb, (USA) Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe (UK), Dr Sharon Goldberg (USA), Dr Devra Davis (USA), Dr Juliet Williams (Scotland) and the legal team of 5G-ILAN.
I have consulted with many patients who have developed a multitude of symptoms following exposure to devices emitting radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR) over the last 29 years but especially over the last ten years as electromagnetic emitting devices have become more promiscuous in the environment (non-consensually) and in our home and on our person (consensually). Where I used to consult with patients suffering this condition sporadically (one patient every few months) many years ago, I am now consulting with EHS patients on a daily basis and new potential patients are calling for a consultation frequently.